ant-sfdx v0.0.0-master

Ant tasks that encapsulate the Salesforce DX CLI.


You simply have to make the tasks (and their dependencies) available to your build and you are ready to go:

<taskdef uri="com.mcartoixa.ant.sfdx" resource="com/mcartoixa/ant/sfdx/antlib.xml" classpath="ant-sfdx.jar:json.jar" />

Note that for a better handling of dependencies the use of a dependency manager like Apache Ivy is highly recommended.


<project name="example" default="build" xmlns:sfdx="com.mcartoixa.ant.sfdx">
  <target name="-init-tasks-sfdx">
    <taskdef uri="com.mcartoixa.ant.sfdx" resource="com/mcartoixa/ant/sfdx/antlib.xml" classpath="ant-sfdx.jar:json.jar" />

  <target name="build" depends="-init-tasks-sfdx">
    <sfdx:force-org-create targetdevhubusername="HubOrg" defaultusername="true" definitionfile="config/project-scratch-def.json" alias="ciorg" wait="2" />
    <sfdx:force-source-push targetusername="ciorg" />
    <sfdx:force-apex-test-run targetusername="ciorg" wait="10" />
    <sfdx:force-org-delete targetusername="ciorg" />


All these tasks share a common set of attributes that can be used to alter their behavior.

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Version: 0.0.0-master