force-mdapi-retrieve Task


Uses Metadata API to retrieve a .zip of XML files that represent metadata from the targeted org.

It executes the force:mdapi:retrieve command.


In addition to the attributes used by every ant-sfdx task, this task uses the following attributes:

Attribute Command line equivalent Description Required
retrievetargetdir -r The root of the directory structure where the retrieved .zip or metadata files are put. Yes
apiversion -a Use to override the default, which is the latest version supported by your CLI plug-in, with the version in your package.xml file. No
unpackaged -k The path for the manifest file that specifies the components to retrieve. No
sourcedir -d The source directory to use instead of the default manifest specified in sfdx-config.json. No
singlepackage -s Specifies whether only a single package is being retrieved (true) or more than one package (false). No
targetusername -u A username or alias for the target org. No
wait -w The number of minutes to wait for the command to complete. No; defaults to -1.

Parameters specified as nested elements


Specifies a package name to retrieve.

Version: 0.0.0-master