force-source-convert Task


Converts source-formatted files into metadata that you can deploy using Metadata API.

It executes the force:source:convert command.


In addition to the attributes used by every ant-sfdx task, this task uses the following attributes:

Attribute Command line equivalent Description Required
manifest -x The path for the manifest (package.xml) file that specifies the metadata types to convert. No.
outputdir -d The output directory to store the Metadata API-formatted metadata files in. No
packagename -n The name of the package to associate with the metadata-formatted files. No
rootdir -r A directory other than the default package directory that contains the source-formatted files to convert. No
sourcepath -p The path to the local source file (or directory) to convert. No

Parameters specified as nested elements


Specifies the name of a metadata component to convert.


The sourcepath attribute is a path-like structure and can also be set via a nested <sourcepath> element.


<force-source-convert rootdir="path/to/source" />
<force-source-convert rootdir="path/to/source" outputdir="path/to/outputdir" packagename="My Package" />
<force-source-convert rootdir="path/to/source">
<force-source-convert sourcepath="force-app/main/default/objects/Case">
    <pathelement location="force-app/main/default/objects/Contact" />
    <dirset dir="force-app/main/default/objects">
      <include name="Ac*" />

Version: 0.0.0-master